Page name: Legato Scares Me! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-06-04 00:20:54
Last author: ~Legato~
Owner: ~Legato~
# of watchers: 8
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Legato Scares Me! is now known as The Legato Revolution. You can find it at

The Legato Revolution

. Cheers to a new beginning





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[Blaze the Nameless]: You guys are crazy

[~Vash~]: ^-^ Oh yes. We know.

[Blaze the Nameless]: *shakes her head*

[~Legato~]: *puts away her humongo needle* ^-^

[~Vash~]: *Eyes [~Legato~]*......=_=;;

[~Legato~]: *eyes [~Vash~] back* ..... ^-^;;....

[~Legato~]: does anyone..COME HERE ANYMORE?!?!

[Blaze the Nameless]: Dun dun dun!!!

[~Legato~]: ...I am keeping this wiki alive... *wips out the real Legato* 50 double dollars!! COME AND SEE HIM NOW!!

[Blaze the Nameless]: O.o Poor Legato-sama.

[~Legato~]: lol..its just that not everyone's on today.. *rocks in a dark corner back and forth*

[ThEGranDWazoO]: BOO!!

[~Legato~]: *screams and runs around in frantic circles*

[~Legato~]: so what you up to?

[ThEGranDWazoO]: sitting

[~Legato~]: are rather quiet today.. is something wrong?..

[ThEGranDWazoO]: sort of...

[~Legato~]: ....ohh..I'm sorry..

[ThEGranDWazoO]: its ok...not our fault, so no need to be soory

[~Legato~]: i is sorry that I can't make you feel better..

[ThEGranDWazoO]: dont be.

[~Legato~]: *huggles*

[ThEGranDWazoO]: yeah...

[~Legato~]: .....okay well talk to ya later, gotta do stuff, I'm busy making a wiki... I hope you get to feeling better..

[ThEGranDWazoO]: thanks

[Blaze the Nameless]: *glomps*

[~Legato~]: (=^.^=)

[~Legato~]: *does the Vashu dance*

[Blaze the Nameless]: *watches*

[~Legato~]: ((from [~Vash~]'s house)) ..its a Vashu Vashu Vashu Vashu Vashu Vashu Vashu..Kuro Kuro. REPEAT!!

[Blaze the Nameless]: You really like this thing don't you?

[~Legato~]: ..its cute.....

[Lady_Lionheart]: how cute!

[~Legato~]: lol!! >.< I know!

[~Legato~]: (([~Vash~] ish verdy creative ^^))

[Lady_Lionheart]: that she is

[~Legato~]: if anyone is wondering why she isn't one today 1.) She has a doctor appointment. 2.) She is still not allowed on the computer.  She has been sneaking on her laptop but it is really slow. She told me on the phone yesterday that she thought she had killed it because it was freezing and she hit it and it just...died. *laughs* ..destruction...

[Lady_Lionheart]: that sucks

[~Legato~]: yup...I think she is supposed to come over to my house tomorrow though...

[ThEGranDWazoO]: can i get a woot woot?!?

[~Legato~]: WOOT WOOT!!!

[ThEGranDWazoO]: YES!

[~Legato~]: YUP!!!

[~Legato~]: ....*sigh*...Legato....

[~Legato~]: ....when Legato takes over Gunsmoke..I'll be there.... ((ignoring the fact that Vash killed him...))

[Princess Carwash]: hey... im back online again... only sometimes though. im still grounded

[~Legato~]: thats cool!! ^^

[Blaze the Nameless]: Hey guys! I'm back from my vacation!

[ThEGranDWazoO]: MY COMPUTER IS UN-BROKEN!!!!!....woodle

[~Legato~]: W00T!!

[ThEGranDWazoO]: \/\/()()7

[~Legato~]: *sleeps*

[ThEGranDWazoO]: *throws ice cold water on you!*

[~Legato~]: *screams and throws a pillow at you* GAHH!!

[ThEGranDWazoO]: hehehehhe

[Blaze the Nameless]: Dum de dum ditty do

[ThEGranDWazoO]: nice....hehe

[Princess Carwash]: lol... i do that in my emails except i say "dum dum dum diddy dum dum.. do you like my humming?" lol my friends laugh at me.

[ThEGranDWazoO]: ....TUPPERWARE!!!!

[Blaze the Nameless]: Now that was random-------------------------SPONGES!!!

[ThEGranDWazoO]: yesh yesh...its all fine and dandy randomocity

[Princess Carwash]: lol, i say random things a lot. my cousin vale told me that one time when she was in class she got busted talking to her friend. her teacher asked her if she wanted to share it with the class so she turned around, looked at the teacher, and randomly said "Peanut" in a cute baby voice. her whole class started to laugh. i laughed when she told me.

[ThEGranDWazoO]: eating pretzals and melted velveta cheese...woot

[Princess Carwash]: lol. I just got done eating a jelly doghnut! WOOT WOOT!

[ThEGranDWazoO]: lol...mmmm

[Princess Carwash]: yah. Vashy-poo likes doughnuts too! Vashy-poo rox my sox!

[ThEGranDWazoO]: lol...

[Princess Carwash]: lol... I joke around and call him vashy-poo. my friends think im nutz... I am but not in that way.

[ThEGranDWazoO]: watching sleepy hallow....mmmm johnny depp AND christina in

[~Legato~]: haha

[ThEGranDWazoO]: woodle

[Princess Carwash]: huh? whats that mean?

[ThEGranDWazoO]: nothing...just a word

[Princess Carwash]: lol. me and my friend slinky (megan but we call her slinky. thell ya y wen im done) are gonna make a dictionary of words that we made up accidentally. we call her slinky because one time she told me "boys are like slinkies... its always fun to watch them fall down the stairs" and the next day she fell down the stairs in school. lol it was hilarious!

[Princess Carwash]: my conscious was telling me to go toward the light but when it got to bright i decided to turn around

[ThEGranDWazoO]: yeah,...heaven is overrated...LOL

[Princess Carwash]: lol. is that what that light was?

[ThEGranDWazoO]: it might have been....woodle

[Princess Carwash]: we need to make a wiki for our odd word dictionary.

[Blaze the Nameless]: yes we do!

[ThEGranDWazoO]: woot!...agreed

[Princess Carwash]: odd-word dictionary is what we will call it! MWA HA HA HA!

[ThEGranDWazoO]: woot!!!

[Blaze the Nameless]: Perfect!

[ThEGranDWazoO]: WOODLE!

[Blaze the Nameless]: You like the word don't you?

[ThEGranDWazoO]: perhaps

[Princess Carwash]: mah bah?!?

[Blaze the Nameless]: Your wut?

[Princess Carwash]: no it means maybe. it is just said in an awkward manner.

[ThEGranDWazoO]: m, b;o0I'

[~Legato~]: ..yall seem to be having a w00tdles of fun...

[Princess Carwash]: YAY! NEW WORD!

[~Legato~]:  >.<

[ThEGranDWazoO]: BOO!

[~Vash~]: Gootheing

[Princess Carwash]: lol ill add them l8er k?

[Blaze the Nameless]: That's a good one!

[Princess Carwash]: tell us what it means... it sounds like it means "just chillen" but i dunno.

[ThEGranDWazoO]: lost...>.<;;;

[Princess Carwash]: ur always lost arent u???

[ThEGranDWazoO]: good point

[Princess Carwash]: i have too many butterflies in my tummy to think right now. c yall l8er!

[Blaze the Nameless]: Butterflies are yummy!!!

[ThEGranDWazoO]: DONT EAT THEM! babies!! NOOOOO!

[Blaze the Nameless]: What? *has a butterfly sticking out of her mouth*

[ThEGranDWazoO]: i love flutterbies!

[Blaze the Nameless]: Flutterbies?

[ThEGranDWazoO]: yesh...

[~Legato~]: ..for all those here who are as crazy as I am about Legato..join my new religion.. "Legato Bluesummeristic" at The Legato Shrine!!

[Princess Carwash]: add flutterbies to odd word!

[ThEGranDWazoO]: odaftnhpb[ioern l;;'e

[Princess Carwash]: lol... oh and by the way, i drew and colored a pick of legato eating an extremely raw steak in my sketchbook. It rox my sox! when i upload it you can put it onto this page and make a banner out of it. my mom is going to hook up the scanner soon.

[ThEGranDWazoO]: WOOP!

[Blaze the Nameless]: [~Legato~] started a religon! What's next? A line of clothing?

[ThEGranDWazoO]: ...yes

[Blaze the Nameless]: Oh boy.

[Princess Carwash]: i can help her out! i wanna b a fashion designer!

[Blaze the Nameless]: I was only joking!!

[ThEGranDWazoO]: i kno,,,lol...i was being sarcastoc,,,them im not sure about,,,lol

[Princess Carwash]: lol im joking 2. i was saying that because A- its true and B- im just as much of a trigun nut as her.

[Blaze the Nameless]: Okay that's good to know

[ThEGranDWazoO]: ...PENIS!

[Blaze the Nameless]: Baubles!!!

[Princess Carwash]: baubles... whatsit mean?

[Blaze the Nameless]: You don't know what baubles are?

[Princess Carwash]: i dont think... unless it is a weird spelling for bubbles.

[Blaze the Nameless]: No, baubles.

[Princess Carwash]: wtf! tell me what it means already!!!

[Blaze the Nameless]: Baubles are shinny round balls. They're toys.

[Princess Carwash]: oh... cool.

[Bulma]: Is Legato Vash's brother??? Or is that Knifes?

[~Legato~]: .... Knives is Vash's brother...not Legato.. >.> <.< O-O

[Princess Carwash]: legato is Knives' most notorious henchmen.

[Blaze the Nameless]: Knives if hot-----------I wonder how big he is.

[~Legato~]: ...naughty...

[Blaze the Nameless]: I bet he's really, really agressive! ^^

[~Legato~]: grreeaattt... now I have to put a censor on this wiki... >.<

[Blaze the Nameless]: Okay, okay, okay I'll stop!

[~Legato~]: you should discuss it in my wiki I made, Naughty People

[Blaze the Nameless]: Wow! Smart idea!!

[~Legato~]: lol, just kidding...

[Blaze the Nameless]: It's still a good idea

[~Legato~]: you can have 'er then.

[~Legato~]: ...."her" ... it's a southern thing to say.. 'er- oh screw it..nevermind.. >.<

[Blaze the Nameless]: Oh, okay

[ThEGranDWazoO]: ld;ity7renh05976tyvleirihgeriogaerk,hal bk4vudtgfohet/s/lkyjnn43/4lgaeg.....poop

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: BLAZE!!! YOUR CHEATING ON WOLFWOOD AGAIN!!!!!! *runs off to tell him* AND KNIVES HATES HUMANS!!!!! H-A-T-E-S!!!!!!!

[Blaze the Nameless]: *runs after her* I AM NOT, I AM NOT, I AM NOT!


[Princess Carwash]: |O.O|<thats wolfwood... and he says that as long as he is still gettin some serious luvage, then its alright with him. just dont ever let him meet him... although I think he already has!

[Blaze the Nameless]: *glomps Wolfwood* I could never cheat my Wolfwood-san!

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: Yes you could. ^^

[Blaze the Nameless]: And like you would never cheat on Vash? No human could be that perfect!

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: Yeah, well I'd never cheat on Rhamman-kun! I just have my random anime Vash....and.....stuff.....FAI!!!!!!! ^^

[Blaze the Nameless]: *stares* Okay, I'm going to stand over here. *scoots away*

[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: What? Fai is cute! And funny.............Rhamman-kun thinks he's gay.....

[Blaze the Nameless]: It is not nice to judge people without knowning them! For shame!

[~Vash~]: Allrighty! Just thought I'd pop in here and note that [~Legato~] should be on in a few more days. ((W00t for NO SCHOOL!!)) ^-^ We are also planning to spen a month in Georgia at her grandparents' farm. But that shouldn't hender us from getting on. They have an internet connection, dial-up, but internet none-the-less.

[Princess Carwash]: boo! YAY!!! ET is finally back on!

[~Vash~]: Boo? 0_o;;

[Blaze the Nameless]: I can't believe your coming to Georgia! You should so stop by Woodstock!!!

[~Vash~]: ^-^ Is it anywhere

[Princess Carwash]: im soooooo bored

[Blaze the Nameless]: I have no idea.

[~Vash~]: Hum...

[~Vash~]: Let me put it into more friendly terms for you then, Blaze: Are there any large theme parks near where you live!?


[~Vash~]: 0.o;;


[White Phoenix aka Ryoko]: Blaze, I'm not judging Fai, and I know him! I've known him for 4 Tsubasas! Fai's cool! ^^

[Blaze the Nameless]: I wasn't talking about you smart one

[Princess Carwash]: lol, jus forget about it, i think blaze was only joking anyways. dont worry about it, we all got your point. its no biggy.

[Blaze the Nameless]: It doesn't matter anymore.

[Princess Carwash]: lolololol! |^.^|

[A_SOLDIER]: lol

[Princess Carwash]: hey, you came to legato scares me! @wiki!!! yay! i feel special!

[Blaze the Nameless]: We all do!

[Princess Carwash]: thats because we all are! lol... *shouts to mom~ MOM WHERES MY DROOLCUP??? IM GETTING IT ON THE KEY'S!***

[Blaze the Nameless]: *steals piggy*

[Princess Carwash]: GIVE ME BACK MY PURPLE PORKER!!!

[Blaze the Nameless]: *runs away*

[Princess Carwash]: *Sprints toward Blaze and tackles her like the dog she is!* GIVE ME MY PURPLE PORKER!!!

[Blaze the Nameless]: *snuggles piggy*

[Princess Carwash]: *attempts to push blaze off the nearby cliff unaware that she has grabbed hold of the edge* *then snuggles her purple porker* my purple porker... i wuv you purple porker.

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